Our company was founded on the principal that nothing ever works like it is advertised to do. So we help put it all together for you so you don't have to mess with all the details "behind the curtain" and you can sit back and relax while all your technological gadgets work together smoothly
"Alexa, turn on movie mode." What if you could sit down on the couch and tell your TV what to do ? What if when the movie is over you could bring the lights back up automatically? And what if the kids left the pantry light on - AGAIN??
Convenience at your fingertips, or voice
Automated lighting systems, smart home controls of all types, such as thermostats, ceiling fans, sprinkler systems, televisions, all tied together to work EXACTLY how you expect them to. Alexa, "you got this"Home Theaters
Setting up the best sound systems and television monitors for your budget and preferences. Let us help you archive all your DVDs and Blue Rays into a seamless viewing experience in your home or officeSecurity Systems
Installation and/or programming of your security camera systems and alarm systems. We'll help you cut the cost of monitoring services while keeping your home or office secure.Consulting
In home or office one on one support of your computer systems, televisions, phones, or all of the above. Let us help you securely manage all those sensitive passwords or streamline your applicationsWi-fi, E-mail & Web solutions
Providing simple solutions to your home or business wi-fi and replacing costly e-mail services with easy to manage substitute systems. We can also help you with website hosting and designSupport
When you just don't know who else to call when your technology seems have you sweating. We're No Sweat Tech-
Amazon Echo sales reach 5M in two years and growing fast.
Get one now and let us help you put it to work!